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Tag Archives: witnesses to holographic wills
Does a Handwritten Will Always Make it Clear Whether the Maker Was of Sound Mind?
This post continues the topic of the law few posts: why does the law require most forms of wills to have witnesses, but the law does not require witnesses for handwritten or holographic wills? The last post looked at the … more
Posted in Estate Planning, Probate
Tagged Aretha Franklin Estate, Aretha Franklin Handwritten Will, Aretha Franklin Holographic Will, Guardianship, guardianship oklahoma, guardianship will, Handwritten Will, Handwritten Will Oklahoma, Holographic Will, Holographic Will Oklahoma, wards and wills, wards and wills Oklahoma, will and capacity, will and capacity oklahoma, witnesses to handwritten will, witnesses to holographic wills, witnesses to wills oklahoma
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Do Holographic Wills Need Witnesses?
This blog post series on handwritten wills has explored the fact that witnesses are not required for a valid holographic will in Oklahoma. The last few posts have dug a little deeper into this issue, guided by three questions in … more
Four Functions of Will Formalities, Such as Witnesses
In this broader series on handwritten or holographic wills, we have been looking at the narrower issue of witnesses in recent posts. The last post looked at an overview of why witnesses are used in conventional wills. The summary was: … more
Posted in Estate Planning, Probate
Tagged four functions of will formalities, Handwritten Will, Handwritten Will Oklahoma, Holographic Will, Holographic Will Oklahoma, will formalities oklahoma, witnesses to handwritten will, witnesses to holographic wills, witnesses to wills, witnesses to wills oklahoma
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Main Purposes of Witnesses to Wills
Oklahoma law requires two witnesses for most types of last wills and testaments. One notable exception is the holographic will, which this series of blog posts is exploring. This blog post highlights a couple of the main reasons the law … more
Posted in Estate Planning, Probate
Tagged duress, Handwritten Will, Handwritten Will Oklahoma, Holographic Will, Holographic Will Oklahoma, incapacity, minority, undue influence, witnesses to handwritten will, witnesses to holographic wills, witnesses to wills, witnesses to wills oklahoma
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Witnesses and Wills
In a recent blog post in this series on handwritten or holographic wills, we looked at the fact that Oklahoma law requires no witnesses for a valid holographic will. This brings up a couple of interesting points we are going … more
Holographic Wills Require No Witnesses
In prior posts in this series, we looked at several “musts” that holographic wills need to have in order to be valid under Oklahoma law: -Entirely Handwritten; -Handwritten by the Testator; –Dated; –Signed; Last post we began to look at … more
Posted in Estate Planning
Tagged handwritten, Handwritten Will, Handwritten Will Oklahoma, holographic, Holographic Will, Holographic Will Oklahoma, witness to handwritten will, witness to holographic will, witness to will, witnesses, witnesses to handwritten will, witnesses to holographic wills, witnesses to wills
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