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Tag Archives: Ancillary
Is it an Ancillary Estate? (Or does it just quack like one?)
We all know the old saying along the lines of: if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. However, there are a couple of situations I routinely encounter … more
Posted in Probate
Tagged admitting foreign will, admitting foreign will in oklahoma, admitting foreign will oklahoma, Ancillary, Ancillary Estate, Ancillary Estate Oklahoma, ancillary oklahoma, Ancillary Probate, Ancillary Probate Oklahoma, estate, Estate Oklahoma, probate, Probate Oklahoma
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Ancillary Estate – What Does That Funny Word Even Mean?
The next few posts will discuss certain topics and themes on ancillary estate and probate. I am involved in representing clients in ancillary estates and discussing topics surrounding them routinely. I have written quite a bit about ancillary estates on … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 11: 3 Summary Questions
In this series of blog posts on ancillary probate, we laid out three foundational requirements for an ancillary estate in Oklahoma. These can be restated in 3 helpful summary questions to ask when trying to determine whether an ancillary probate … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 10: Why Full Faith and Credit?
As stated in my prior post: “In an ancillary administration, the Oklahoma court will follow the distribution pattern laid out by the home state and apply it to the Oklahoma property.” This post asks the question: why? Why does Oklahoma … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 9: Content of Home Decree
An order distributing the estate is one of the required documents from the home state / domiciliary administration to file an ancillary administration proceeding in Oklahoma. In this series, we have laid out three foundational requirements for an ancillary probate … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 8: Domiciliary Final Decree?
When a decedent owns property in their home state and also Oklahoma (first foundational requirement) and there has been an estate or probate proceeding in the home state (second foundational requirement), the question become whether documents required under Oklahoma’s ancillary … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 7: Required Documents
Earlier in this series, we laid out a first foundational requirement and a second foundational requirement for an ancillary probate in Oklahoma. The first dealt with whether a decedent owned property both in their home state and Oklahoma. The second … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 6: No Home State (“Domiciliary”) Probate
If a decedent dies in any of the other 49 United States owning property in their home state but also owing property in Oklahoma (see prior blog posts here and here about common examples of multistate ownership that I see), … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 5: Home State (“Domiciliary”) Probate?
The first four blog posts in this series on ancillary probate dealt with various aspects of this first foundational issue: did the deceased die owning property in two more states? If so, an ancillary probate may be necessary. If not, … more
Ancillary Probate Series – Part 4: Common Examples – Simplified
In my last post I gave three concrete examples of property ownership in multiple states that I commonly see. I gave quite a bit of detail in those examples. Those three examples could be further generalized or simplified as: 1. … more