12th May 2017

In a recent Avvo legal guide, I addressed common issues regarding marriage and sales of real property in Oklahoma.  That guide laid out three general rules.  The deed must: 1) show the grantor/seller as single, 2) be between spouses with that recited, or 3) have the spouse of the grantor / seller sign as well.

This follow-up guide looks at why these three general rules are required: https://www.avvo.com/legal-guides/ugc/deeds-and-marrige-in-oklahoma-the-why-behind-my-earlier-guide.

If our office may be of assistance to you in these areas, do not hesitate to contact us at (580) 910-5304 or at coryhicks@fieldandhicks.com or using any of our contact information in the profile.  You can also visit www.fieldandhicks.com for more information.

This blog contains general information and the opinions of the author – not legal advice; you should seek the advice of competent counsel (attorney/lawyer) when considering any legal issues.


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